statement, protocols, and procedures for in-person lessons
Between March 14th and May 9th, 2020, I was closed for in-person lessons due to health and safety concerns along with the mandatory stay-at-home order in Boulder County. All of my in-person lessons converted to online lessons. On May 10th , I reopened for reduced capacity in-person lessons. Over the past few months, fair portions of my students have gradually returned for in-person lessons.

For in-person lessons, I have the following safety protocols in place:
1. Wearing a mask is required for all people allowed inside of the studio. I am wearing a mask. Students are required to wear a mask.
2. I keep my distance as much as I can. My drum throne is separated by just over 12 feet from the students’ throne. I don’t enter the student’s space around their drum set.
3. I have been staggering my lessons to allow me to clean equipment and surfaces between lessons.
4. If there is headphone use during the lesson, those headphones are cleaned immediately after a student uses them. I also have an alternate set of headphones that I rotate between lessons.
5. There is hand sanitizer available for use in the studio. Students are encouraged to use it before and after their lesson.
6. There is no sharing of drumsticks. Students must bring their own drumsticks. If a student forgets their drumsticks, I have a collection of drumsticks that they can borrow for that day. Afterward, those sticks will be sanitized and not available for use by another student that day.
7. I have been catering to any requests of the students and parents may want regarding health and safety.
8. Lessons have been staggered in such a way to not have a large gathering of people in the studio (i.e. not having several families waiting around in same room). Students and parents are encouraged to stay outside whenever possible until their lesson time is near.
9. I have not had any symptoms of COVID-19 and have been healthy during the entire duration of the pandemic. If I have any inkling of symptoms, I will immediately cancel the in-person lesson, consult with medical professionals, and make decisions moving forward based on test results, etc.
10. Although none of my students have contracted COVID-19 nor have had any symptoms, if a student feels ill, they are asked to stay home. I am happy to convert their in-person lesson to an online lesson.
I have diligently and actively put in place these protocols for health and safety to protect students, parents, as well as myself. I feel that in-person lessons have been going well and have received good feedback and reviews regarding my lessons, procedures, and protocols. I continue to monitor data regarding COVID-19 in Colorado and in particular in Boulder County on a daily basis. I base my decisions on this data as well as personal consultation with doctors and nurses in the area. As we move forward, I will continue to monitor data and make decisions with the health and safety of everyone in mind. At this time, I am continuing to have in-person lessons with the above protocols and procedures in place. If I feel that the situation warrants a change, I will consider moving back to the online lessons platform for whatever length of time is needed. I am always happy to do online lessons with students if that is their preferred method they feel comfortable with.